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Clinics we provide

We run many clinics for the management of chronic diseases and offer a wide variety of medical services.

Flu Clinic

We offer flu vaccinations annually starting from first of October each year to the groups identified as being at risk from influenza infection, for example over 65 year old patients, pregnant women and those with chronic illnesses of any age. The people in these at-risk groups are at a greater risk of developing serious complications if they catch flu. Studies show that the flu vaccine provides effective protection against flu.

Housebound patients are vaccinated by the district nurses.

The protection from the vaccine gradually decreases over time and the flu virus changes seasonally, which is why new vaccines are produced annually and if you are in one of the at-risk groups you will need to be vaccinated every year at the start of winter.

If you have been invited to attend the flu clinic or to have a flu vaccination and would like some more information, please speak to a doctor or nurse or visit the following website: Click Here

If you are in an at-risk group and have decided you would prefer not to have the flu vaccination, having received all the information you need, you will need to put this in writing and give it into reception.

Pneumonia vaccination

If you are over 65 and had not had Pneumonia vaccination over 5 years, you can make an appointment with a Nurse or Doctor. It can be given along with a flu vaccination.

Sexual Health

If you require sexual health advice, a consultation for sexual health problems, or tests for sexually transmitted diseases including HIV tests( with your consent after consultation) please make an appointment to see GP.

You can also attend a sexual health clinic at the Waldron Health Centre or any other local sexual health clinic (STD clinics).

Emergency Contraception

There are two forms of emergency contraception available.

Levonelle One-Step Pill

A hormone pill that you must take within 72 hours of intercourse.

You can receive a prescription for this from a GP or the Waldron family planning clinic or can obtain it directly from a pharmacist without prescription.


The intra-uterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is a small plastic or copper device that is inserted into the womb up to 5 days after intercourse. This is available at the Waldron family planning clinic or any other family planning clinic.

Family Planning & Contraception

You can see a doctor or the Practice Nurse for family planning and contraceptive advice and for provision of contraception. The contraceptive pill will be issued as a repeat prescription with regular reviews. We also offer long-acting injectable contraceptives and pregnancy testing. For insertion of Intra-uterine contraceptive device or to have implant you have to go to your local family planning clinic.

Preconception Care

The Practice Nurse and GPs offer advice and checks before, throughout and after pregnancy. If you are planning on trying for a baby, we advise you to book an appointment with one of the doctors for health advice before you begin trying to conceive. This is so that you can receive advice to ensure you and the baby will be in the best possible health, prescriptions for folic acid supplements and screening for disorders such a sickle cell disease. A pre-conception consultation is especially important for women with existing health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Antenatal Care

During pregnancy GPs work together with community midwives as shared care. If you think you are pregnant please see your GP for an Antenatal Booking Appointment. This appointment ensures you can decide where you would like to give birth and according to your choice you will be referred and given a midwife appointment.

At 10-12 weeks of pregnancy you will need your first antenatal scan and the GP will refer you for this.

If there is a serious problem in early pregnancy a GP can refer you to a local hospital Emergency Pregnancy Assessment Unit. St Thomas’ Hospital, London has a 24 hour unit to which you can refer yourself.

Postnatal Care

Babies require a 6 week health check and at the same time the mother is advised to have a postnatal health check. At this appointment any health issues following the birth can be examined and advice given on breast feeding, wound care and contraception. After a baby is born it can be a very difficult time for mothers and it is extremely important that any problems such as post-natal depression are dealt with as early as possible.

Child Health

If a baby is born in the home, a GP will visit within 3 days to carry out a new birth health check. Also, all babies have a 6 week health check at the practice. These checks can pick up any health or developmental problems and can give parents a valuable opportunity to discuss things like feeding and immunisations, ask questions and air any other concerns they may have. The mother has their postnatal check at the same time as the baby’s 6 week check. Therefore this appointment tends to take longer than a normal appointment, so please inform the receptionist at the time of booking that you are booking for a 6 weeks mother and baby check.

You can make an appointment with a doctor or nurse at any time in a child’s development for advice.

All baby and childhood immunisations can be given at Deptford Medical Centre. The first one is needed when a baby is 8 weeks of age. Please book for immunisations with the Practice Nurse or with a Doctor. You can find more information Click Here.

Lifestyle Changes, Heart Health and stroke Care

The Practice Nurse, Healthcare Assistant and doctors welcome consultations to discuss and provide advice on health and lifestyle. The checks and support offered can reduce the risks of heart attacks, strokes and developing related conditions such as diabetes. We can monitor your weight and blood pressure, carry out blood tests for cholesterol and blood sugar if appropriate and offer treatment and advice on diet, exercise and smoking cessation. If necessary you can be referred for further specialist support to, for example a dietician, smoking cessation services, exercise on prescription and healthy walks programmes.

If you would like to find out more about monitoring and reducing your risk of cardiovascular problems and strokes please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse or with a Doctor.

For patients who have had a previous heart problem or stroke we aim to ensure they have advice and treatment for health improvement to reduce the risk of any future episodes.

Diabetic Clinic

Most patients with diabetes can be looked after by the doctors and nurse at the surgery. Some patients with more complicated conditions may be referred to a hospital outpatient or community diabetic clinic. You can also be referred to a dietician and for patient education classes for the best possible management of your diabetes.

Asthma and COPD

Our clinical team provides long term monitoring and checks for respiratory problems such as asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). You will also be taught how you can manage your condition yourself and what to do during an exacerbation. You will be asked to attend an annual review if you have either of these conditions. This will ensure your treatment is the best possible to help your symptoms, improve your physical functioning, quality of life and wellbeing and reduce the risk of you needing A&E and hospital admission.

You may be required to undergo spirometry, which is a breathing test to diagnose or monitor COPD. This will be performed by the Practice Nurse or Healthcare Assistant in the surgery.

Some of the consultations for breathing problems may require a double appointment so please mention the reason for your appointment when booking.

You have to bring your Inhalers, if you have one , when you come for spirometry check.

Stop Smoking Service

For help to quit smoking , please Click Here or call 0800 0820 388 or text 07522 679 249 for the Lewisham Stop Smoking Service. The nurses have a high “quit rate” so even if you have tried to stop before and have been unsuccessful, it’s worth trying again. You can book an appointment any time with one of the nurses.

Drug and Alcohol Problems

We work with other agencies like CRI, Lewisham Community Drug and Alcohol Service and Alcohol recovery Project to provide help and support for people with drug and alcohol problems including weekly or fortnightly prescription of methadone or buprenorphine for those who are attending an approved drug support agency. We are only able to support up to 20 people on such programmes at any one time due to the high workload involved.

Men’s Health

Our doctors and nurse are always happy to provide advice on any concerns you may have about men’s health, including risks of heart disease and stroke and prostate, urinary and sexual health problems.

Women’s Health

You can make appointments with a doctor or the Practice Nurse for advice on any issue relating to women’s health including the menopause and HRT (hormone replacement therapy), common gynaecological issues, breast conditions, osteoporosis prevention, sexual health, contraception, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing and pre-conception, antenatal and postnatal care. The practice nurse and the female doctor carry out cervical smear tests and can also test for cervical and vaginal infections.

Please see specific sections for further information on some of these problems.

Elderly & Housebound Patients

Deptford Medical Centre’s clinical staff together with district nurses and other services care for elderly patients and patients unable to leave their home due to illness. You can arrange with your local pharmacy for medication to be delivered to patient’s homes if this is necessary.

If you are unable to leave your home and require a doctor to visit you please call the surgery as early as possible for this to be arranged.

Interpreting and Advocacy Service

We can arrange for telephone interpreters for patients who do not speak English and also British Sign Language interpreters, for consultations. Please speak to a receptionist for further information and allow as much time as possible for any such services to be arranged.

Counselling Service

If you need counselling service, you have to see one of the doctors to asses and to do the referral to Local IAPT service (Improving access to psychological treatment).